Course Objectives

Students will learn how to create usable Web pages by:
  1. Developing proficiency in HTML 4.01, XHTML, and CSS.
  2. Developing fluency in the most recent W3C standards.
  3. Exposure to client-side scripting XML, JavaScript and AJAX.
  4. Exposure to server-side scripting: PHP.
  5. Exposure to databases: MySQL.
  6. Understanding of how different media formats are used on the Web.
  7. Developing an understanding of issues related to Web usability.
  8. Becoming more self-sufficient by learning to locate and use tutorials, in-app and online help resources to determine how to accomplish a new task.
  9. Discovering their God-given creative talents and abilities … *ALL* of us are creative.
  10. Working in teams and groups ... creativity is often a collaborative effort!

Course Structure

  • The course is self-paced.
  • You will work with one other partner to collaborate on chapter activities.
  • 1st term you will design a personal Web site themed as you desire.
  • 2nd term you will work on a team to complete a larger scale, group designed site.




  • Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML.

Special Requirements

  • Network login


  • 40% Chapter activities, investigations and explorations
  • 40% Term projects
  • 10% Class participation and behavior
  • 10% Teamwork and contribution

Course Topics

  • HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.1 conforming to current W3C standards
  • Web usability (designing usable Web pages and sites)
  • Interactive Web pages (forms)
  • Client-side and server-side scripting including databases